our menu

On this page we show the menu you can enjoy at Pan y Vino this season. If you visit us at another time, our menu will probably be different as it is changed four times a year. Our chef Patrick creates these four proposals always seeking to offer our guests a cuisine based on local and seasonal products.

Our desire is that your visit to Pan y Vino is as pleasant as possible, but if there is a dish on the menu that does not convince you, you can change it for another option you see on the menu that you would prefer.

Foie of duck “candy”
Marinated salmon éclair with dill
Beetroot ravioli with a mousseline of goat cheese

Creamy pumpkin soup with ginger and mascarpone chantilly
Chicken and mushroom cannellonis with truffeled bechamel

Roasted turbot with champagne and tarragon sauce
Confit leg of duck with mango and passion fruit chutney

Chocolate marquise with Orange and Grand Marnier
Lemon and raspberries tartlet

Assortment of petits fours

€46 (VAT included)

(This is an indicative menu. We change our menu every week. Consult it here or in our restaurant)

Would you like to try our tasting menu?

Each year it is dedicated to a different French region.

tasting menu